This UKG BI Report for UKG Pro People Analytics looks at all earnings over the last 90 days.

Download the file:

UKG Pro People Analytics BI Report for Last 90 Days of Earnings

Instructions on how to use the file in UKG (video below):

  1. Open the file, select all and copy the text

  2. UKG > Administration > People Analytics (Business Intelligence)

  3. Open Menu

  4. New

  5. Report

  6. Create

  7. From the report toolbar, select More, then select open report from clipboard

  8. Paste the report in the dialog box, then select OK

  9. Select OK again after the message pops up

  10. Save

  11. Customize the report to change the employee type, employment status, etc. so that it meets the data criteria of your organization.


UKG Pro People Analytics Headcount by Month BI Report


UKG Pro People Analytics BI Reporting Quick Tutorial