UKG Pro: Business Intelligence (BI) Alerts
Helpful Formulas for Custom Alerts
New Hire Alert for a New Hire in the Last Week:
[Employment Status Code] = 'A' and [Employment Type Code] <> 'TES' and [Seniority Date] between _add_days(current_date,-7) and current_date
New State Alert (to remind the employee to update taxes):
[Action Taken] = 'Update' and [Field Updated] = 'EepAddressState' and [Action Taken Date/Time]>= _add_days(current_date,-30)
Termination Alert (for a term in the last week):
[Employment Status Code]='T' and [Termination Date] between _add_days(current_date,-7) and (current_date)
Employee Approaching 60 Days Alert:
[Employment Status Code] = 'A' and [Seniority] between _add_days(current_date,-60) and _add_days(current_date,-50)
When a Visible Employee Note is Added:
[Visibility Code (Employee Observations)]='Public' and [Employment Status Code] = 'A' and [Date Created (Employee Observations)] = current_date
When an annual goal is added:
[Goal Type] contains 'Annual Goals'
Reminder to Approve Inbox Items:
[Approval Status]='Pending' (then you will send the email to [Current Approver])
New Manager Assignment Alert:
[Employment Status Code] <> 'T' and [Reason Code] in ('502','TRMSUP') and [Employee Name (Preferred, MI Last Suffix)] is not null and [Effective Date] between _add_days(current_date,-12) and _add_days(current_date,+7)
FLSA Change Alert:
[Action Taken] <> 'Insert' and [Field Updated] in ('EecSalaryOrHourly','EjhFullTimeOrPartTime') and [Action Taken Date/Time] >= _add_days(current_date,-20)
Disciplinary Action Added Alert:
[Discussion Date] between _add_days(current_date,-7) and current_date
Disciplinary Action Follow Up Approaching Alert:
[Follow Up Date] between _add_days(current_date,-5) and current_date
Active License Expiring Alert:
[Renewal Date] between _add_days(current_date,-60) and _add_days(current_date,30) and [Employment Status Code] = 'A'
Direct Deposit Updated Alert:
[Table Name] = 'Empdirdp' and [Action Taken Date/Time] between _add_days (current_date, -7) and _add_days(current_date, +1)
Anniversary Alert:
[Employment Status Code] <> 'T' AND (month([Seniority]) = month(current_date))
401k Secure Act Alert for LTPT:
[Age (Years)] >= '21' and [Seniority Years] >= '3' and [Scheduled Work Hours] <> ’80.00’ and [Employment Status Code] <> 'T'